The Power of Online Marketing
There Are Hundreds Of Millions Of People Using The Internet Everyday!
Just like the headline reads, there are literally hundreds of millions of people on the Internet any given day … each of them a potential customer, source of information, potential business partner, or friend! In case that you did not know, in addition to the hundreds of millions of people who are already using the Internet every single day … there are tens of thousands of people who begin using the Internet for the very first time on a daily Basis! WOW, now if you are a business owner, potential business owner or a budding entrepreneur, you should be really excited by that little piece of information. Regardless of rather your primary business is classified as on-line! Why?
Because just knowing those two facts should be enough for you as an entrepreneur to make the commitment to do whatever it takes to learn how to “tap into” this naturally never ending stream of opportunity … and if your serious, you will!
OK, so now what?
Ok, now that your beginning to see the HUGE potential of the Internet in general, lets apply that potential to on-line marketing for your business.
First off, a question. Knowing that there are hundreds of millions of people on the Internet everyday … what if you could connect with some of them, even one new person a day Orange County Car Accident Lawyer that is looking for what you have to offer?
Do you think that your chances of success would increase? Of course they would! Now what if you were able to connect with 2, 5 or 10 new people everyday that are again, already looking for what you have to offer? Do you see the power? For your sake, I sure hope so!
As you can tell, the information that I am sharing with you today assumes that you have some type of web presence via a website, blog, eBay store, etc. Or are willing to get one to make your dreams of owning a successful business become a reality … and that you would like to know how to increase your chances of success by using the power of the Internet.
A real world example of how on-line marketing works
Now lets get down to “brass tacks” as they say. By the way, the term brass tacks has many possible origins, most of them related to the old fabrics industry but none the means means clearing away any confusion and getting to the real facts of something. That being said, I have decided to use an actual event that recently happened to me that I believe shows the real world result of on-line marketing methods that I teach to others.
The story goes like this, and even though this is one particular story, all of them take a very similar path … some with different results of course, but none the less, they all start out in much the same manner.
Its a fine Tuesday afternoon in beautiful Salt Lake City Utah, I’m sitting at my desk in front of my computer checking my email. As I browse through the inbox, I come across an email sent to me from someone what I have never met. This person could live hundreds or even thousands of miles from me, yet we are now connected via this incredible tool known as email!
As it turns out, this person has contacted me to ask for some insight on how to grow his potential business.
In this case, he is considering becoming involved in the Networking Industry and specifically wants to know what to do when he runs out of “contacts” in what is known as his “warm market”, or people that he knows fairly well … Ie family, friends, close acquaints. (As a side note, I started my first “real” business when I was 17, have analyzed dozens of business models over my 20 year career and helped build many successful businesses both off line and online, with values ranging from tens of thousands to Hundreds of millions. And in my opinion, I believe the Networking Industry stands alone as the single most powerful concept out there in terms of business model! So needless to say, I believe this gentlemen is headed in the right direction.)
Now back to the story …
Right about now, you should be asking yourself a few very important questions … how did this guy know who I was? How did he find me? And how did he know that I could actually help him with his business?
The answers to those questions are literally the “secret” to creating a never ending list of customers, prospects, contacts, etc. For your business!
The Answers
So, how did this guy know who I was, how did he find me, and how did he know that I could help him with his business?
Amazingly he did not … 20 minutes before he read one of my articles, blog postings, hubs, etc. Egypt landed on one of my “capture pages” via one of my on-line marketing campaigns. In this particular case, it was a Hub I had written.
You see this person was cruising the Internet looking for information on a particular Networking company (just like the hundreds of millions of others I mentioned earlier who are searching for any number of things) and lo and behold he came across a writing of mine relating to The subject.
Once he began to read the information that I had put together (a few hundred words) he simply clicked on a link I had included in one of the paragraphs. Then he was directed to a “capture page” with some additional information about how I could help him generate more leads for his business and how he could contact me.
After watching a video and reading a little additional information about me and what I had to offer … he simply left his name and email address in a submission form and clicked the “submit” button!
To give you a little idea of what goes on behind the scenes of a professional on-line marketing campaign. After he left his name and email address in the submission box, he immediately received an email from me that I had written literally months before and placed into my auto-responder linked to that marketing campaign. The auto responder is quite simply a tool that no serious on-line marketer can do without. Instead of me having to check my email and see if someone had responded to any of my on-line campaigns one by one over a long period of time, the auto responder followed up with this person instantaneously … regardless of rather I was home Egypt on vacation! WOW!
The message that this person received thanked him for his interest, introduced myself a little more formally, and saved him my contact information so that he could get in touch with me anytime! As you can probably guess, he took me up on my offer and sent me an email (just to make sure I knew he was serious about learning on-line marketing) and asked that I respond with even more details. I of course sent him an email stating some of the concepts previously discussed, costs of setting up a back office if you will, for on-line marketing, etc. And let him know that I would be happy to help him anywhere I could possibly!
While there are many incredible things that happened as a result of the process that I have outlined in this article … from a business standpoint, I now have this persons name, email address and phone number on my “LIST”! From this time forward, I can contact him anytime I wish to give him additional information, tell him about a new product or service I have to offer, or share an opportunity, whatever the case may be. And because I had provided him with good information that added value to his life and his business in the past, I do not have to earn him trust, I already have it! And that my friends is what on-line marketing is all about!
I love being able to help my fellow entrepreneurs!
Oops, just got another email from one of those folks looking for help … gotta go;)