Keywords, Seo And The Strength Of Competition
Internet marketing is a business that is based on keywords, search phrases that people use to find web pages, products and services. In order to succeed you need to target proper keywords. For many keywords there are a lot of authority websites. It would be impossible to compete with them. Therefore, you need to target keywords that have some search volume and low competition. What is low competition depends on the effort that is needed to reach top position in search results for particular keyword. In general, by examining few relevant parameters of the first websites from the search result for a keyword, we can easily determine the strength of the competition.
You need to take a look at least at the following parameters: number of backlinks, Page Rank, presence of keyword in the page title, URL, meta description, meta keywords and the nature of backlinks.
Number and nature of backlinks
Baclinks are links on the websites that point to the page under consideration. They are a measure of the page importance. Important pages with relevant content are popular and other websites naturally add links to them. Less important pages with little or no interesting content are simply not popular and nobody creates links to them. Therefore, by examining the websites that link to particular page we can learn a lot about what we would have to do to achieve a similar result.
Presence of the keyword at the relevant places
If some page is about a particular keyword and this keyword has some importance then it is very likely that this keyword or phrase will be present in the title of the page, in the URL, in the meta description and meta keywords. If it is not then this is some indication of lower importance. Therefore, if among the seo banyo we find websites that don’t have the keyword present at relevant places, we can consider such website as a weak competition. When we will optimize our page for specific keyword we will make sure that all target keywords will be present at relevant places.
Page Rank
This is a numeric value that represents the importance of the page. It is a direct reflection of the number and quality of links that point to it. High Page Rank means that some website has some authority and it would take a lot of time and effort to rank equally or higher.
It is not easy to determine the strength of the competition, on the other hand it is not difficult either. You need to take a look at some on-page and off-page elements and decide whether you can beat it in some reasonable time. It is very important that you don’t make conclusion based on only one parameter, you need to evaluate it together with other elements.