What would you do with free money? Grants are provided by the government every day, and millions of people are cashing checks for thousands of dollars. It's a service that has been around for a long time, but with this economy the government has flushed billions of dollars into these programs to stimulate the economy.
The biggest portion of these grant checks seem to be going to help people pay for school and to help Americans start small businesses. These are the two areas that will keep the US moving forward as a competitive nation and will get the economy working properly again.
Beyond that, with over 300 grant programs and growing, there is available funding for just about anything you can imagine. As long as you are at least 18 years old, you may qualify for money to help with daycare costs, get federal financial aid to pay your credit card, mortgage and other debts, and you can even obtain free grant money to finance an invention.
Small business owners and those considering to start a small business seem to be cashing in the largest checks. And since there is no limit on how much money you can apply for and receive, you can get $ 20,000 in free government money to pay for your start up costs, and receive another $ 50,000 check to help finance other parts of your business. Since this is money that never has to be paid back, there really is no comparison when it comes to seeking alternative funding sources.