3 Ways to Turn Your Economic Woes Into the Meaning of Christmas and Still Have Fun


The meaning of Christmas is about God’s unconditional love for us, faith, everlasting life.

Now that you have less disposable income, it’s time to bring back the holy in holidays.

Is your credit card debt is at an all time high?

The average credit card debt among all US households is $8400. With escalating mortgage payments, increasing job losses, salaries not rising, and a wrecked housing market, many people are more fearful than any time since 9/11.

Yet there is a silver lining in the midst of the gloom and doom. We can free ourselves from being prisoners of fluff and stuff and enjoy a calm, centered, content Christmas holiday.

As a parent, you are the guardian your kids depend on for economic, health, moral and spiritual teachings. You shape your child’s life by how you handle your own personal economic crisis.

You can teach your kids the valuable character trait of spending only money you have, not borrowing based on future earnings. Yes, your kids may become grumpy and upset at first, but so what?

Would you rather lose your home and end up on the streets than continue to buy stuff that you can’t afford?

Your at-home-character-education-lesson gifts your child far more than any store bought gadget or toy.

Kids who witness character traits of extraordinary leaders, which each parent is, will soon model the trait.

Where is it written that you must give material gifts during the holidays?

3 Simple Ways to Bring Back The Meaning of Christmas

  1. You can begin to stop spending money you don’t have and start being more creative in your gift giving. Go through your house and find what you no longer use or need. Clean out closets, drawers, attics and cellars. I guarantee your yard sale will earn enough money for a credit card payment or two, or to buy a few Christmas gifts.
  2. Give your extra stuff to one of the many charities that care for the needy and homeless. You can turn the financial crunch America is experiencing into a life changing way of living for you and your loved ones. Giving stuff to those in need brings back the meaning of Christmas more than anything else.
  3. Become more creative in your Christmas gifts. Look for things you can make with other members of your family. Most importantly, share your heart with your loved ones. Read them inspirational Christmas stories.

I’m sure they have more than enough stuff.

Article Summary
I’ve just given you 3 simple ways to enjoy your holiday season and save money. Click on inspirational Christmas stories to assist you in bringing back the meaning of Christmas.

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