As the story goes, some people make things happen, some have things happen to them and others just say ‘What happened?’.

But when things happen, changes follow. There are probably three main drivers behind most of the changes we face in business, and in much of life: Choice, Chance and Crisis.


Some people and organisations choose to change in a way and at a time of their own making. These people or organisations have prepared for the change, explored all their options and probably even created the climate in which their intended change is most likely to be successful. They choose to change.


For others, luck has more to do with their decision to change something. Perhaps an unusual event, a chance meeting, or a decision by someone else, created the circumstances which encouraged a change. An opportunity has fallen in their lap, but at least they recognised it and capitalised on it.


For a third group, impending crisis is the only thing which will cause any change. Their experience of change is rarely good because of their reluctance to recognise risks or opportunities early enough to prepare and make the best of a situation. By the time this group considers change, they have little choice and few options.

Think about whether you tend to change through choice, chance or crisis. Are you waiting for a crisis before you make inevitable changes? Are you actively looking for opportunities? Are you exploring all your options, and planning and preparing to change by choice?

As Louise L Hay said: “Change is usually what we want the other person to do.” 

Change Quick Tips

  • Practise ‘change by choice’ on some of the small things in your life. Choose something different for breakfast, travel to work a different way, or listen to another style of music for a week.
  • Think about how you felt when you chose to change. Were you more willing to experiment? Did you put some effort into making the right choice? Did it help to know you could always choose to change again?
  • Make some serious changes. Think about what you are just tolerating in your life. What planning and preparation can you make to help you change successfully?

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